Software product quality Evaluation and Certification conforming to ISO/IEC 25000, growing in importance
The interest of the software industry and the Academy on Software product quality evaluation and certification conforming to ISO/IEC 25000 keeps growing, as shown by the presence of this subject at various conferences and events held recently.
In the XVIII Congreso Iberoamericano en Ingeniería de Software - CIBSE 2015 (XVIII Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering), held in Lima (Peru) on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of April, the paper “Experiencias en la Industria del Software: Certificación del Producto con ISO/IEC 25000” (Experiences in the software industry: Product Certification with ISO/IEC 25000) was presented, showing the results and conclusions of the evaluations carried out by the accredited laboratory AQC Lab and the subsequent first certifications of conformance to ISO/IEC 25000 issued by AENOR.
In the 10th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering - ENASE 2015, held in Barcelona (Spain) on the 29th and 30th of April, the paper “Certification of IPavement Applications for Smart Cities - A Case Study” was presented, showing the ISO/IEC 25000-aligned model for the evaluation and certification of the services developed for the IPavement solution.
In the 1º Congreso del Comité Español de Empresas de Pruebas Software - SSTQB 2015 (1st Spanish Software Testing Qualification Board Congress), held in Madrid (Spain) on the 8th of May, there were several presentations related to ISO/IEC 25000: “Modelo de Gobierno y Gestión de las TICs - evaluación y certificación de producto software” (ICT Governance and Management Model - software product evaluation and certification) and “Evaluación y Certificación del Producto Software con ISO/IEC 25000” (Software product certification and evaluation conforming to ISO/IEC 25000).
In the XI Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingeniería de Software e Ingeniería del Conocimiento y Congreso Ecuatoriano en Ingeniería de Software – JIISIC-CEIS’2015 (XI Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering and Ecuadorian Conference on Software Engineering), held in Riobamba (Ecuador) on the 4th and 5th of June, the paper “Certificación de la mantenibilidad del producto software. Un caso práctico” (Software product maintainability certification. A case study) was presented, showing the results and conclusions of the process of software maintainability certification conforming to ISO/IEC 25000 for a specific software product.
If you attended or know of other conferences or events where this topic was dealt with, please share it with us and spread it among the ISO/IEC 25000 community.